Clash of Clans November Updates:

New COC Update
New COC Update
Hey, you are most welcome to my blog and here I am going to tell you about the COC November  Updates 2019 of the Clash of Clans and in my opinion this update it really a massive update and this update must be like by you!!

The COC New updates 2019 will be really liked by you and we will be discussing the upcoming clash of clans updates 2019 later.

There is a little bad news too that we will be discussing in this blog so for that just read the full article. Hey, my name is Faraz and today we be discussing the “New Updates of COC”.

So, we are here to talk about what’s going into the October update, but before we get into the details I did want to talk about one thing, that is this update is going to be laying down the groundwork for a massive update we have got planned for the end of the year. 

It may feel like this content might be a little on the light side, but there is a lot of the content that is happening behind the scenes, or under the hood, if you will!

The biggest thing that Clash of Clans team has been working on is clan recruitment; it’s actually both ways from Clans to players, and player to Clans.

And as you may have heard on various YouTube channels, that the COC Team is going to be sun setting or closing down, the global chat channel.

But what this means?

Is that the global chat will be leaving the game, so yes! This is bad news that I had told you which is not so good but the COC Team wanted to make sure that they had something, like a tool that players can use to recruit clan member much more readily, and something suited to their play style. 

To facilitate this they are adding labels, so the players can categories
 themselves. For example a great player of COC, Darian is obviously pretty friendly, he is clan war player so he can use this label to tell other player that he is a war player and need a war clan. 

This label will really help a lot!

And then they are also enabling Clans to the same, so that the clan can also categories themselves into small groups or whatever you want to say but yes this is really ta great update.

Is there a label for a clan that never wins?

 Yes, yes there is and that is under dog! Yeah seems funny but really there is!

What You Can Do By Setting labels As A Player?

Clan Labels
Clan Labels
So, if I am looking for a particular play style, such as whether I am a social player, Clan war league player and clan games player, there will be a variety of labels you can set to yourself and look for the clan who have similar properties in what they are looking for.

What Clans Can Do In New Update?

Profile Labels
Profile Labels
There is a new advantage for the clan leader and co-leaders as every clan is different and they have their own preferences. 

So Coc Team is giving a player search, so that the Clan Leader’s and Co-leaders can actually open up a menu that recommended player for you to recruit.

So no more trawling the league leaderboard.

For example: for recruits.

Now, you actually will get a list of potential recruits that actually fit your play style. And as a play, I can turn on the ability to receive Clan invitations even if I am already in a clan. So, it almost acts like a job headhunting service.
If I see a star player in another clan and if a Clan leader or any co-leader then I might try to recruit him.

What else do we have In For This Update?

Some season challenge changes.
Season challenges, they have done quite a lot of U.I. works on it. More Exciting and more Fun!! Just to make it easier to understand, easier to play, streamlined the workflow a little bit.
6 slots
6 slots
They expanded the Quick Train slots from three to six. Now you can have six training slots and which is definitely free of cost means you no need to spend any gems to buy them. No gem will get wasted and which is a good news

Legendary Valkyrie
Legendary Valkyrie  

Is there any change in Clan Games?

 Yes, the other one is changes to the Clans games.
The one consistently perform at the top of their clan every season and If you are someone who reaches a high-enough threshold, you will be entitled to one extra reward from any tier that you have unlocked.

 Sometimes we have had two exciting prizes in the last tier, and it’s been a hard choice that which one to choose? So, now you don’t have
to choose anymore. If you work enough, that is.

What Are The Changes In The Legend League?

There are some changes that they are adding to the legend league, more specifically towards the base cool down of when you edit your village. Teslas and traps won’t trigger the cool down anymore. 

And they have done some tweaks on how the cool down works in legend league.

And how much time is left in the match maker, so the new timer will take into account and you can adjust the cool down period accordingly.


In this update they did not add any troop or building levels or anything that would have changed the game play, largely because they have got The World Championship Just couple of weeks away. 

Any kind of changes like that would have an effect on the competitive landscape, and giving these Clans just a couple of weeks to adjust is not fair to the competition. 

Like They have said they are saving a lot of stuff for the update towards the end of the year. And really the upcoming is going to be very big update. There are a few other quality of life updates going into this content release, so make sure you keep an eye on my blog to get updated!!

Thanks For reading and Thanks for giving Your valuable time!!